United Healthcare Medical Plans 2024
Plan Information
Our medical carrier for employees is United Healthcare.
Contact Information
Carrier: United Healthcare Website: myuhc.com
Provider Search: flexwork.uhc.com (Choice Network)
Phone: Member Sevices 855-892-2401
Eligibility: All employees (>30 hours)
MVP FlexWork Edge (ACA compliant medical)
FlexWork MEC (Enhanced Minimum Essential Coverage) – with or without Enhanced Fixed Indemnity (EHIPP)
FlexWork Enhanced Fixed Indemnity Preferred Plan (EHIPP)
UHC Administrative Medical Plans
FLEXWORK LIMITED MEDICAL PLAN EMPLOYEE ACKNOWLEDGEMENT – I understand that the FlexWork limited medical plan and the FlexWork limited pharmacy benefits are limited in nature, do not provide comprehensive major medical coverage and therefore may not be suitable for all employees based on health status. Call FlexWork Pre‐Member Services at 763‐957‐7367 if you have any questions or concerns prior to enrolling.